Diastasis Recti

Most mums can probably relate to this next story. I have two boys- both curious, cheeky and coming out with the most outrageous comments as they increase their vocabulary and view on the world. In the midst of the craziness, I attempt to have a shower in peace; only to be fraught with two little boys poking and prodding my mummy tummy. This particular morning he pulls my belly and makes a face with it, “look, mummy, the face is talking to me.” Mortified, I look down and am reminded that yes, I have a small ‘mummy tummy.’ He finds it funny, so I laugh too, but it's not. It’s a true medical condition called Diastasis Recti.
If you have had children and, despite every effort or class you have taken in the attempt to shrink the belly fat you may too have Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is a medical condition, not fixed by crunches, classes but by a certified program involving four key elements ( I will touch on these soon).

Diastasis Recti can affect 33% of women who have had a baby, 66% who have had two babies and almost 100% of women who have three or more babies. So what is Diastasis Recti? In the simple terms, look down at your belly. Can you identify with any of the following symptoms:
  • Soft podgy tummy
  • Sticky outie belly button (yep – you have abdominal separation for sure)
  • Frequent participation as a child (or adult) dancing, swimming, golf, gymnastics or yoga
  • Have had 2 or more children - 33% of women have Diastasis Recti with their first, 66% with their second and 100% with their third.
  • Twins or multiple births
  • sometimes you pee your pants
  • carried very large during your pregnancy
  • Showed very early in your subsequent pregnancy
  • Lower back pain after or during exercise or lifting
If you said yes to some of the above symptoms, you might have Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is the weakening of the connective tissue which holds the rectus abdominus together. The linea alba is stretched, resulting in weakened connective tissue which can lead to secondary issues. Diastasis Recti may occur when the baby grows, and increased pressure is placed on the connective tissue. Without protection or strength from your transverse muscle, other muscles in the body take over, such as the lower back, shoulders and even the pelvic floor.
This is where No Mummy Tummy comes in. The NMT program is the only program to incorporate key elements which can reduce, treat, prevent or even heal a Diastasis Recti.
It’s certainly not a miracle cure, nor a quick fix. It involves hard work and dedication- just like any rehabilitation program would. Think of it like ‘rehab for the belly.’
So back to the steps. Following a program of:

1. Exercising safely
2. Wearing the diastasis splint
3. Protecting and strengthening the core
4. Moving diastasis safe

Can assist in the healing, treating or prevention of Diastasis Recti.

I was a fit, healthy fitness instructor and mother who had a diastasis of four centimetres and didn’t even know it! So if you think you may have Diastasis Recti- or present with any of the symptoms above and want more information about DiastasisRecti, sign up online or send the team an email at hello@nomummytummy.com.au

The No Mummy Tummy Programs are suitable for pregnant and post-pregnant women.
If you would like more information on testing for Diastasis Recti or any of our Pregnancy Programs to visit www.nomummytummy.com.au or contact the head office team on 1300 217 372


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